A More Resilient Food Secure Future in the SEMED Region



Better management of natural resources is set to help Egypt, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and the West Bank diversify and boost food production.


Improving agricultural practices to cope with the SEMED region’s climatic and natural resource constraints could help unlock the potential of its agricultural production to strengthen national food security, reduce dependency on imported agriculture inputs and potentially open doors to new export markets for value-added crops.

This EBRD and FAO project is working in the region to help improve current practices to build resilience and sustainability in production, including reducing the use of water and inputs and improving irrigation  ̶  the region faces particular challenges relating to the availability of arable land and water. The project is also exploring options for crops other than grain that could help contribute to food security and options for value-added crops which could also be exported.


This project is part of a broader EBRD and FAO initiative to build resilience and reduce food security risks in response to vulnerabilities exposed in several member countries during the war in Ukraine which is having an enormous impact on global food security and significantly impacting food security in the SEMED region. It offers assistance to reconcile the countries’ short-term emergency response with a long-term-oriented response aimed to build greater resilience to future shocks in a sustainable and effective way.

Other project activities focus on filling food security gaps and reducing risks in supply chains.


Provide projections of the agricultural potential of SEMED countries identifying productivity gaps, anticipating climate trends and the availability of key natural resources with a focus on sustainable local production and food systems.

Improve logistics and distribution systems for local produce and develop export markets with higher value-added potential for local produce.

Optimize the use of agricultural inputs and natural resources and related investment opportunities.

Support to the private sector to identify policy options and investment entry points to optimize the use of agricultural inputs and water.

Maximise water productivity through evidence-based policies and investments.

Improve market opportunities for domestic products through efficient supply chains, and improved storage and distribution infrastructure.


Add value to local production through diversification of export markets including strengthening market transparency and enhancing food security policies and improving grain and oilseeds import efficiency and price risk mitigation.




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