Turning sustainable agritourism in Jordan into a reality

EBRD/FAO end-of-project event recaps lessons and charts a way forward

Jordan, with its rich cultural heritage, natural beauty and unique cuisine, is working towards establishing a sustainable agritourism industry. A recent end-of-project event, hosted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), highlighted lessons from a two-year project to strengthen ties between agriculture and tourism, supported by the European Union (EU) and EBRD.

Key outcomes included a roadmap for eco-friendly agritourism and recommendations for investments in infrastructure, education and supportive policies. Agritourism offers opportunities for rural economic growth, biodiversity preservation and entrepreneurship, particularly benefiting women and youth.

A Jordanian delegation’s visit to Italy provided insights into successful agritourism practices, inspiring the creation of a task force to develop the sector. Local producers were also trained in quality improvements and marketing, focusing on integrating local foods into the tourism experience. Looking forward, agritourism in Jordan aims to link its gastronomy with its established tourism appeal, promoting sustainability and community engagement while overcoming regional challenges.

Read the full article on the FAO Investment Centre website.


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