Evolution of food e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic
March 2023
Author(s): Reardon, T.; Tomatis, F.; Pedersen, E.
This investment brief hones in on the rapid of surge of food e-commerce and in particular, how the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled this growth. It analyses the overall evolution of e-commerce globally and with a specific focus on EBRD area of intervention based on eight city case studies (Belgrade, Casablanca, Istanbul, London, Paris, Rome, Tashkent and Tbilisi). It makes particular reference to the market for fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV), differentiating between the modern and traditional retail sectors in mature and transitional food economies. The brief provides policy recommendations and identifies strategies and key areas of investment that are required for the sustainable development of FFV e-commerce. Governments, particularly urban…
Pandemic preparedness guide for meat and dairy businesses in Central Asia and the Caucasus / Руководство по обеспечению бесперебойной работы предприятий мясо-молочной отрасли стран Центральной Азии и Кавказа в условиях пандемии
February 2023
Author(s): de Balogh, K.; Bashynskyi, V.;
FAO and the EBRD are assisting the meat and dairy sector in target countries in Central Asia and Georgia by introducing measures to ensure the safety of their operators and reduce the risks of COVID‑19 infection and its spread.
Food industry food safety management systems include good hygiene practices, cleaning and sanitation, zoning of processing areas, supplier control, storage, distribution and transport, personal hygiene and fitness at work – all the basic conditions…
Investing in food loss and waste: What’s in it for development banks?
September 2022
Author(s): Santos, N., Borgomeo, E., Haralampieva, V., Baumann, L.
Food loss and waste (FLW) is costly for people, the environment and economies, particularly during a time of global uncertainty. In 2019, an FAO study found that around 14 percent of the food produced globally was lost during the post-harvest production stage before reaching the retail stage. This Investment Brief summarizes the challenge of FLW. It focuses on identifying action areas for development banks to meet this challenge. Potential action areas include assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic, and data collection and analytics, as well as direct country-level interventions, with a food systems approach. The brief explores options to attract private sector investment, including through a dedicated blended finance facility and institutional solutions within…
Logistique d’exportation des produits agricoles vers les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale: enjeux et opportunités pour le Maroc
September 2022
Author(s): Sinicki, A.; Tomatis, F.; Sterk, B.;
Les ambitions des exportateurs marocains de produits horticoles de conquérir de nouveaux marchés en Europe centrale et orientale pour diversifier leurs débouchés traditionnels (Europe occidentale, Amérique du Nord et Fédération de Russie), se heurtent à des problèmes d’accessibilité logistique qui amènent à un manque de compétitivité prix des produits marocains vis-à-vis de leurs principaux concurrents (Espagne, Türkiye, Égypte)…
Digital technologies in the grain sector of Ukraine
September 2022
Author(s): Prikhodko, D.; Sikachyna, O.; Pedersen, E.; Sylvester, G.; Rybchynshyi, R.;
Comprising 30 percent of agricultural output and with an area of 15 million hectares, the grain sector is a pillar of Ukraine’s agriculture. In 2020 Ukraine exported USD 9.4 billion worth of cereals, the second largest exporter after the United States of America, making Ukraine a major contributor to global food security. Using extensive interviews, the report assesses the extent to which Ukrainian farmers have adopted digital technologies, the many barriers to them doing so and the considerable opportunities these technologies present, while offering sharp insights into their potential contribution and how best to sustain them…
Implications of the war in Ukraine for agrifood trade and food security in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia
September 2022
Author(s): Rauschendorfer, J.; Krivonos, E.;
The Russian Federation and Ukraine are major global suppliers of cereals and sunflower oil, while the Russian Federation is also a leading exporter of fertilizers and energy. Due to the devastating war in Ukraine, global prices for these commodities have reached record highs. FAO Markets and Trade Division, with the FAO Investment Centre and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, have published this study on the potential impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and agrifood trade in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. Beyond a detailed analysis of how the war in Ukraine affects these countries…
Expanding Morocco’s olive oil market: Expanding Morocco’s olive oil market
August 2022
Author(s): Fried, H.; Dias Pereira, L.; Santos, N.;
This brief was produced by the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), based on observations made during various activities implemented by FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in collaboration with local partners.These included the Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests (MAPMDREF) and the industry federation, Interprolive, in the framework of the project to support the development of the Moroccan olive sector. These activities include multiple training sessions on good…
Georgia – Agritourism guide to Samtskhe-Javakheti: Places, people, products
August 2022
Author(s): chitadze, t.; dundua, t.; ebralidze, i.; gigauri, m.; jorjadze, m.; khazalashvili, n.; lomidze, d.; zhuzhunadze, t.;
The purpose of this book is to better acquaint the general public with the agritourism potential of the Samtskhe-Javakheti region, part of Georgia’s oldest province Great Meskheti. The region was famous for its agricultural resources and also known as the granary of Georgia since it was the country’s main supplier of wheat, flax and legumes. Today Samtskhe-Javakheti offers many attractions with impressive cultural and natural sights, architectural monuments, churches, fortifications and unique artworks. Here, Georgian customs and traditions and the Meskhetian culinary inheritance are well preserved.
Doing business in the time of COVID-19: Prevention guidelines and recommendations for rural households and their families providing agritourism services in Montenegro
July 2022
Author(s): FAO
Damage caused to tourism by the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the quarantine measures introduced as a part of the response to this pandemic, is almost immeasurable.
In the long run, the most significant fact is that the impacts and damages done to tourism are not purely economical in their nature, but also impactful on the tourists’ behaviour and habits and especially on the emergence of new expectations by both tourists and tourism providers…
Coronavirus covid-19: Guide des précautions sanitaires pour la continuité et la reprise des activités de la filière oléicole tunisienne
July 2022
Author(s): FAO
La FAO et la BERD ont développé ce guide pour guider les opérateurs de la filière oléicole tunisienne dans l’application des bonnes pratiques d’hygiène et des gestes barrières afin de mieux les protéger contre la covid-19 et/ou toute autre menace biologique. Ce guide propose donc, pour les opérateurs de la filière, plusieurs recommandations de protection de leurs salariés à adapter aux situations opérationnelles spécifiques à chaque type d’activité (champ, huilerie, unité de conditionnement et distribution)…
Intégration des marchés de gros et transmission des prix des agrumes au Maroc: cas des petits fruits
July 2022
Author(s): Maatala, N., Bekkar, Y., Taha Lahrech, M., Abderrafik, M. M., Fadlaoui, A., Tomatis, F., Pereira, L.
Les marchés de gros des fruits et légumes jouent un rôle fondamental dans le cadre de la mise en marché des produits, mettant en relation producteurs et consommateurs et bénéficiant à l’ensemble des acteurs des systèmes alimentaires. Ils permettent notamment d’assurer une agrégation et une distribution efficaces des produits en tant que centre logistique créant des synergies et des économies d’échelle entre opérateurs, contribuant à une meilleure compétitivité des filières, tout en diminuant l’asymétrie d’information sur les prix et les coûts de transaction. Grâce à ce lieu de rencontre de l’offre et de la demande des produits…
Investing in carbon neutrality: Utopia or the new green wave? Challenges and opportunities for agrifood systems
June 2022
Author(s): Santos, N., Monzini Taccone di Sitizano, J., Pedersen, E., Borgomeo, E.
The world’s agrifood systems are on the frontlines of climate change, both as a cause and a victim. The agrifood sector is increasingly being targeted and curbing emissions is becoming a key global investment and policy theme. ‘Investing in carbon neutrality: utopia or the new green wave?’ presents a comprehensive assessment of the key challenges and opportunities of carbon neutrality, and scopes out the road ahead for agrifood systems. It provides strategic insights on the actions needed to move the carbon neutrality agenda forward in terms of investment opportunities and public policy priorities, with important recommendations for development partners.
Strengthening buyer/supplier relationships: Practical guidance for Montenegrin retailers
June 2022
Author(s): Coates, N., Paglietti, L., Benvenuti, G., Toric, B.
Openness towards strengthening backwards linkages and local sourcing is a key factor in retailer product development and offerings in order to meet the new challenges in the next normal. The COVID-19 crisis has underlined the shortcomings of the current system, and has also intensified the demand for shorter supply chains, traceability, transparency and food that is sustainably sourced.
This document is intended to support Montenegrin retailers to engage in local sourcing, which can also strengthen their contribution to the achievement of the SDGs by 2030, support country commitments to the Paris Agreement, and…
Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood system: investment opportunities in the Kyrgyz Republic
May 2022
Author(s): Polo, M. d. M., Santos, N., Syzdykov, Y.
Agrifood systems are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and increasingly under pressure to become more resource efficient. The sector also faces threats from climate change, due to its dependence on natural resources. The FAO and the EBRD, collaborating within the Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change (FINTECC) programme, developed a rapid assessment methodology to identify and prioritize climate technologies and practices in the agri-food sector, based on their potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, support climate change adaptation and contribute to economic development. This report presents findings from the methodology’s application in the Kyrgyz Republic to guide policymakers and inform public and private investments towards greening the country’s agri-food sector.
Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood system: investment opportunities in Kazakhstan
May 2022
Author(s): Polo, M. d. M., Santos, N., Syzdykov, Y.
Agrifood systems are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and increasingly under pressure to become more resource-efficient. The sector also faces threats from climate change, due to its dependence on natural resources. The FAO and the EBRD, collaborating within the Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change (FINTECC) programme, developed a rapid assessment methodology to identify and prioritize climate technologies and practices in the agri-food sector, based on their potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, support climate change adaptation and contribute to economic development. This report presents findings from the methodology’s application in Kazakhstan to guide policy-makers and inform public and private investments towards greening the country’s agri-food sector.
The shortest path: Accelerating investment towards carbon-neutral agrifood systems
November 2021
Author(s): Santos, N., Monzini, J., Pedersen, E. and Borgomeo, E.
As the world gears up to fight climate change, agri-food systems are expected to play their part. The sector is increasingly being targeted and curbing emissions is becoming a key global investment and policy theme.
This Investment Brief provides a synthesis of the evolving situation in agri-food systems from a carbon neutrality perspective. It explores key challenges and opportunities for achieving low carbon agri-food systems. Despite prominent commitments to carbon neutrality, complex questions remain around how to measure it and achieve it in practice…
Potential brewing for Azerbaijani and Georgian tea industries
June 2021
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Sterk, B., Monzini, J., Snell, J.
Although the once booming tea industries in Azerbaijan and Georgia have long been in decline, interest in revitalizing the sector is gaining steam in both countries. Tea has a long tradition in Azerbaijan and Georgia, where tea has been produced since the 19th century. The two countries became the main tea producers in the former Soviet Union and reached a peak in production in the mid-1980s. With an expected stronger demand for green tea and health and wellness teas as well as for high-quality black tea in developed markets, this brief suggests that these product categories should be the areas of focus for the Azerbaijani and Georgian tea industries…
Atlas tipicne hrane iz Crne Gore. Atlas of typical food from Montenegro
May 2021
Author(s): FAO, EBRD
The Atlas of typical food from Montenegro seeks to promote not only the high quality traditional products presented in this volume, but also to raise awareness of the importance of preserving and protecting Montenegrin culinary heritage, local traditions and the rural economy. This Atlas builds on the inventory of origin-linked products and traditional dishes in Montenegro that could be registered as PDOs, PGIs and TSGs. Origin-linked products reflect the intersection of nature and culture – the accumulation of local knowledge and traditions passed down over the years in a specific geographical location…
Azerbaijan: Cotton sector review
June 2019
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Sterk, B., Ishihara, Y., Mancini, F., Muminjanov, H &, Weissen, H.
Cotton has a long history of production in Azerbaijan. As potential investors in the country require an analysis of the performance of the cotton sector, its main opportunities and risks, this joint sector review provides a general overview, followed by an analysis of more specific aspects of cotton production such as economic and financial profitability, agronomic practices, and social and environmental risks. While expanding cotton production presents a number of opportunities, notably in terms of its potential to provide employment in rural areas and its export potential, the report also underlines a number of environmental and social risks related to the growth of the sector.
Egypt: Review of the agrifood cooperative sector
April 2019
Author(s): Ghonem, M.
The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of how cooperatives can contribute to the development of the agricultural sector and rural areas in Egypt and outline enabling policy changes and areas of investment. The primary audience is policy decision-makers, development partners and potential institutional investors in the agricultural sector in Egypt.
Tea sector review – Georgia
May 2022
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Sterk, B., Sokolova, A., Monzini, J., Snell, J.
This study was produced under an FAO-EBRD Cooperation project on reviewing the development potential of the tea sectors of Azerbaijan and Georgia. As a result of the joint research in the two countries carried out as part of the project, a similar separate review of the Azerbaijani tea sector was also published under the FAO Investment Centre’s Knowledge for Investment (K4I) programme. Tea has a long tradition of cultivation in Azerbaijan and Georgia, dating back to the nineteenth century. The structural changes that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s led to a dramatic decline of the two countries’ tea…
Tea sector review – Azerbaijan
May 2022
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Sterk, B., Sokolova, A., Monzini, J., Snell, J.
This study was produced under an FAO-EBRD Cooperation project on reviewing the development potential of the tea sectors of Azerbaijan and Georgia. As a result of the joint research in the two countries carried out as part of the project, a similar separate review of the Azerbaijani tea sector was also published under the FAO Investment Centre’s Knowledge for Investment (K4I) programme. Tea has a long tradition of cultivation in Azerbaijan and Georgia, dating back to the nineteenth century. The structural changes that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s led to a dramatic decline of the two countries’ tea…

Tunisie: Quel avenir pour les coopératives agricoles?
April 2019
Author(s): El Harizi, K. ; Sparacino, C. ; Ben M’barek, S.
Morocco – Investing in collective action: opportunities in agrifood cooperatives
August 2018
Author(s): Pereira, L. D. ; Santos, N.
Strengthening sustainable food systems through geographical indications: An analysis of economic impacts
February 2018
Author(s): Vandecandelaere, E.
Water along the food chain: Turkey
June 2017
Author(s): Santos, N., Prof. Dr. Hess, S., Dr. Jaghdani, T. J.
Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine: Sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues
Author(s): Maltsoglou, I., Puri, M., Rincon, L.
Water along the food chain: Ukraine
December 2016
Author(s): Fileccia, T., Yarmak, A.
A review of the agricultural research and extension systems: Mongolia
December 2016
Author(s): Chuluunbaatar, D., Annor-Frempong, C., Gombodorj, G.
Étude du secteur des oléagineux: Maroc
November 2016
Author(s): Jackson, D., Cherrou, Y., Santos, N.
Monitoring adoption of key sustainable climate technologies in the agrifood sector: Morocco
September 2016
Author(s): Flammini, A., DiasPereira, L., Santos, N., Bracco, S., Carita, A., Oze, D., Theodorakis, G.
Tunisie, analyse de la filière agricole
Author(s): Paglietti, L., Jackson, D., Ribeiro, M.
Water along the food chain: Jordan
Author(s): Fileccia, T., Hoveyra, V., Punda, I., Manzo, S.
Key trends in the agrifood sector: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan
Author(s): Santos, N., Ceccacci, I.
Wheat sector review: Egypt
Author(s): Prikhodko, D.
Designing warehouse receipt legislation: regulatory options and recent trends
Author(s): Wehling, P., Garthwaite, B.
Ukraine – Meat sector review
Author(s): Yarmak, A., Svyatkivska, E., Prikhodko, D.
Morocco, oilseeds sector review
Author(s): Santos, N., Cherrou, Y., Jackson, D.
Review of animal welfare legislation in the beef, pork, and poultry industries
Author(s): Stevenson, P.
Российская Федерация Обзор мясной отрасли
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Davleyev, A.
Serbia – Sugar sector review
Author(s): Hickingbottom, S., Jackson, D.
Emerging investment trends in primary agriculture: a reviews of equity funds and other foreign-led investments in the CEE and CIS region
Author(s): Luyt, I., Santos, N., Carita, A.
Russian Federation: Sugar sector review
Author(s): Todd, M., Patel, S., Kramer, R., Prikhodko, D.
Ukraine: Sugar sector review
Author(s): Yarmak, A., Prikhodko, D.
Украина Обзор сахарной отрасли
Author(s): Yarmak, A., Prikhodko, D.
Turkmenistan: agricultural sector review
Author(s): Lerman, Z., Prikhodko, D., Punda, I., Sedik, D., Serova, E., Swinnen, J.
The Kyrgyz Republic – Opportunities and challenges to agricultural growth
Author(s): Swinnen, J., Van Herck, K., Sneyers, A.
Food security and the transition region
Author(s): Swinnen, J., Van Herck, K.,
Poland, Bulgaria and Romania: social impact of discount food retail in remote regions
Author(s): Swinnen, J., Van Herck, K., Hidier, E.
Russian Federation: public-private partnerships in agribusiness education
Author(s): Serova, E., Debatisse, M.
Sunflower Crude & Refined Oils
Author(s): Punda, I.
Wheat Flour
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Rybchynsky, R.
Poultry Meat & Eggs
Author(s): Punda, I.
The Russian Federation: Review of the Dairy Sector
Author(s): Serova, E., Karlova, N.
Ukraine: grain sector review and public private policy dialogue
Author(s): Prikhodko, D.
Barley malt beer
Author(s): Punda, I.
Fruit & Vegetable Processing
Author(s): Van Lieshout, O.
Red Meat
Author(s): Colby, L.J., Punda, I.
Milk/Dairy Products
Author(s): Jones, D.
Food retail
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Punda, I., MasCampos, J.
Grapes Wine
Author(s): Julia, F.
Sugar beet/White sugar
Author(s): Punda, I.
International Grain Reserves and other instruments to address volatility in grain markets
Author(s): Wright, B.
The use of warehouse receipt finance in agriculture in transition countries
Author(s): Höllinger, F., Rutten, L., Kiriakov, K.
Финансирование под залог складских свидетельств в сельском хозяйстве стран с переходной экономикой
Author(s): Höllinger, F., Rutten, L., Kiriakov, K.
Russian Federation: Analysis of the Agribusiness Sector in Southern Russia
Author(s): Serova, E.
Kazakhstan: Technical Assistance to the Sunflower Seed Sector
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Nikishkov, A.
Georgia: Protection of Georgian Wine Appellations
Author(s): FAO
Russian Federation: Review of the Fisheries Sector
Author(s): FAO
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: Expanding Finance in Rural Areas
Author(s): Marx, M., Hollinger, F., Hidier, E.
Ukraine: Review of the Sunflower Oil Sector – 2004 Update and Mid-Term Strategy
Author(s): Jackson, D., Hidier, E.
Bulgaria: Expanding ProCredit’s Operations in Rural Areas
Author(s): FAO
Serbia and Montenegro: Review of the Sugar Sector
Author(s): Kojakovic, V.
GEF/SLOVENIA: Reducing Water Pollution in the Danube Basin – Project Preparation
Author(s): FAO/GEF
Lithuania: Financing of Warehouse Receipts – Legal Review
Author(s): Puklevicius, V.
Ukraine: Review of the Sunflower Oil – Sector Review
Author(s): Hidier, E., Balié, J.