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Credit Marijan Mocivnik Studio Ajd Wine Western BalkansEBRD and FAO give quality wines of the Western Balkans a boost.


Under the F&V Export Guides Webinar Series, eight export webinars were organized featuring high profile speakers, food experts, EBRD representatives, and companies exporting fruits and vegetables to the USA, United Kingdom, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Nordic markets (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark). This unique webinar series which trained around 500 participants from the Western Balkans is now available for free at the Development Agency of Serbia YouTube channel and below.

Webinar One: Guide for Fresh, Frozen and Processed Fruits and Vegetables to the Nordic Region – Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark (in Serbian)

Webinar Two: Guide for Fresh, Frozen and Processed Fruits and Vegetables to the Nordic Region – Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark (in Serbian).

Webinar One: Guide for Fresh, Frozen and Hot- Processed Fruit and Vegetable Export to the USA Market.

Webinar Two: Guide for Fresh, Frozen and Hot-Processed Fruit and Vegetable Export to the USA Market.

Webinar One: Export Guide for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from the Western Balkans to the Middle East Markets – UAE and Saudi Arabia (in Serbian).

Webinar Two: Export Guide for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from the Western Balkans to the Middle East Markets – UAE and Saudi Arabia (in Serbian).

Webinar One: Become Export Ready – How to Export Fresh, Frozen, and Processed Fruits and Vegetables to the UK market (in Serbian).

Webinar Two: Become Export Ready – How to Export Fresh, Frozen, and Processed Fruits and Vegetables to the UK market (in Serbian).

Export E-Guides

Final Cover UK FV Export GuideGuide for Fruit and Vegetables Export to the United Kingdom

Six years ago, almost all Serbian fresh apples exports were directed to the Russian market. However, since 2019 more and more apples find their way to countries like United Kingdom, UAE and other Gulf countries. This trend of diversification continued in 2022. Serbia ranked as a Top 10 largest apple supplier in the UK with 5,633 tons of apples, with 45% growth in the period 2018-2022. Intensive growth of fresh apples and berries, along with raining interest for hot-processed, private label products in the UK market, inspired developed of the fourth, and the final in-depth guide for export of F&V from the Western Balkans.

The British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) fruits and vegetables export promotion pathway continued towards development of a comprehensive e-Export Guide for Fruits and Vegetables in the UK market. This is one of the educational tools the BSCC produced and uploaded to their newly established Export to the UK platform, along with organized mentoring sessions and webinar series under the FAO/EBRD Project. This easy-to-read export guide promotes and educate regional producers and exporters of fresh, frozen, and processed fruits and vegetables about the UK market trends, marketing strategies, regulations and import procedures, distribution channels, business etiquette, etc.

The export e-guide is accompanied by two export webinars (see above) focusing on the UK food market.

Read it here

Guide to Fruit and Vegetable Exports in the Middle East

This e-guide with Serbia does Apples, is based on a detailed analysis of fast-growing Middle East market trends, import regulations and procedures to identify new, high-potential and fast-growing foreign markets (Serbian only). The guide was accompanied by a webinar in April 2022 that attracted more than 100 participants.

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Guide for Fruit and Vegetable Exports in the Nordic Region

A 4-in-1 export e-guide that presents unique, comprehensive, and single-source-of-information about market opportunities in four Nordic markets – Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark – for F&V producers and exporters from the Western Balkans.

A market of 26.5 million inhabitants, high purchasing power, and over 74.5 billion euro turnover in food retail make the Nordic region very attractive for potential exporters from the region. The export e-guide is accompanied by two export webinars (see above) focusing on the Nordic food market (available in Serbian only).

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Guide for Fruit and Vegetable Exports in the USA

This e-guide serves as a step-by-step reference document for fresh, frozen and processed fruit and vegetable producers from the Western Balkans that have capacities and interests in exporting to North America.

It is a one-stop resource that embraces all the key elements of the export path to the USA, including market trends and analysis, export procedures, regulations, quality standards, importers and distributors, best practices, and others (available in Serbian only).

Read it here

Mentoring Sessions fOR FRUIt and VEgETABLE EXPORT CAPACITY BUILDING in the UK Market (English)

These sessions were organized with the British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce as part of the export capacity building for F&V products in the UK market, aimed to better inform and educate F&V producers about UK food market trends and opportunities. Bringing some of the leading UK food and retail consultants together to cover five key export-ready topics on food market trends, pricing, branding and labelling, and F&V import requirements, has resulted in an interactive platform for Western Balkan companies to help seize export opportunities in this market. Now available at the British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce website and below:

Mentoring Session 1: An introduction to the UK food market – what you need to know?

Mentoring Session 2: An introduction to the UK fresh/dried produce markets

Mentoring Session 3 – UK Routes to Market for premium fruit and vegetable derived products

Mentoring session 4: Branding, labelling and certification issues for the UK market for premium fruit and vegetable derived products

Mentoring session 5: An introduction to the UK frozen fruit and vegetables market

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